Which is the Best Clinic for Breast Reduction in Delhi

Reducing the size of the breast by the removal of extra fat deposits, ineffective tissues, and extra skin from the premises of the breast. Therefore, the size reduces to match the body profile. it is carried out in females in a fully proficient manner. So book an appointment with Dr PK Talwar now at the best clinic for breast reduction in Delhi.

This is carried out for women’s satisfaction, side by side even male having gynecomastia where males breast size is usually enlarged can also undergo this treatment for their casual appearance.

Breast reduction is also known as breast mammoplasty. Mammoplasty makes a person relieved from:

  • Backache
  • Neck ache
  • Shoulder pain
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Troubling while workout
  • Feeling uneasy in intimate relations
  • Depression

Do not decide to have the surgery done since it has drawbacks too. Consult the best cosmetic surgeon in Delhi Dr P K Talwar to get the best advice. Get the proper treatment done under the guidance of the best surgeon. Best cosmetic surgeon of Delhi would suggest the causes for surgery then if you feel, that one of the symptoms are matching your profile then only you proceed.

Some of The Causes:
  • Excessively heavy breast-so heavy bust that your bra straps groove and your back starts paining
  • The extra-large size of the breast resulting in nerve pain
  • Nerve, when under the tension of the breast, the nipple loses its sensitivity.

Best Convenient Techniques Used For Breast Reduction in Delhi

  • Inferior pedicle technique
  • Vertical scar technique
  • Horizontal scar technique
  • Free nipple graft technique
  • Liposuction only technique

Dr PK Talwar has hands-on experience with the above-given techniques. Clinic Best of You also offers breast augmentation procedures. Augmentation or mastectomy, implanting silicone, saline, and composite breast implants to reshape, resize, and refill the breast suit individual’s body profile.

Why Women Opt For Breast Mammoplasty in Delhi:

  • To have an enlarged breast to look good
  • To restore post-pregnancy, decrease in organ
  • To restore symmetry among asymmetry.

The major difference between breast augmentation and breast implants is that implants or synthetic articles of safe material are inserted inside the breast for expected beauty.

Puberty is the best age to go for augmentation in Delhi. Because at 18 breast attains maximum maturity.

Types of Augmentation:
  • Transaxillary
  • Inframammary
  • Areolar
  • Umbilical

The frequently used Periareolar technique involves incision near the lower half to hide all the scars Done to implant silicone for uplifting. In the case of inframammary procedure incision made at the crease only which is best to place the silicone implant.

Whereas the other two techniques are rare to use. Basically, they are scar-free surgeries in Delhi.

Instead of the breast, the incision is made in the armpit and naval button and great tunnels are build-ups to insert implant like saline.

Augmentation brings about variable contouring of breast as per client choice.


Both the procedures whether it is breast reduction or augmentation are very cost-effective. treatment available at Dr Talwar’s south Delhi clinic at very nominal charges. The best treatment offered with expert technicians to ensure amazing results.

Attain the right posture consequently enhance your gesture.

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