I am a diabetic patient, can I get rhinoplasty

I am a Diabetic Patient, Can I Get Rhinoplasty

Is Diabetes Stopping You From Undergoing A Rhinoplasty or Any other Cosmetic Procedure?

Yes, high blood sugar levels do interfere with your body’s ability to undergo rhinoplasty surgery because it elongates the healing and recovery period. Go to get essential counselling with your best Cosmetic surgeon who can work with you to reduce your risk factors? It is very much important to have a healthy body before going to any type of cosmetic surgery specially rhinoplasty. can a diabetic patient get rhinoplasty, If an individual is suffering from diabetes it becomes very important to keep it under control before the surgery?

Note: To Get Rhinoplasty Done,  A Diabetic Patient Must Maintain Normal Body Weight And Should Not Be Insulin-Dependent.

When your body is facing uncontrolled blood sugar level and an individual undergoes rhinoplasty surgery the tiny blood vessels which are feeding your skin gets damaged and healing becomes very difficult and enhances the chances of infection.

Medical care becomes complicated if you are suffering from diabetes. Since surgeries are a wonderful development in the field of medical science, but in the case of a diabetic patient, the dread of surgery tends to increase the risk for the average patient.

The full Contribution Of Diabetes In Rhinoplasty

It is very difficult to predict that after surgery what would be the effect of diabetes. The mild or severe situation could arise due to diabetes, it all depends upon the patient individually. Before you go for cosmetic surgery it is very much better to have an appointment fixed with your cosmetologist as well as endocrinologist, to have a preoperative evaluation that would suggest whether you can go for the surgery or must make your blood sugar level under control.

Risks Associated With Diabetes.

There are complications if a diabetic patient is opting to go for cosmetic surgery like rhinoplasty, facelifts, liposuction, or chin surgery. If the patient undergoes long, intensive, invasive procedures that involve multiple incision sites, there is surely the significant risk of post-operative infection which are as follows:

  • The diabetic patient requires a longer recovery time.
  • Risk of post-operative infection.
  • To keep your blood sugar level under control it is very much dutiful that a patient must keep in use regular exercises and medication to have much better healing prospects.

What has Expected After Surgery in A Diabetic Patient?

  1. The mental stress of the surgery disturbs the hormonal balance and inflammatory process which causes healing, consequently the blood sugar level spikes. Therefore, it becomes very necessary to get your blood test done regularly after cosmetic procedures like rhinoplasty.
  2. Be in regular touch with your endocrinologist and cosmetic surgeon to avail the best possible treatment for recovery.
  3. It could be possible in a diabetic patient that the intake of insulin must be modified to make recovery or healing successfully.
  4. The best dietitian will be also helpful in arranging a specially tailored and healthy meal for better results.


To look Good, Beautiful, And Healthy You, Discover A Healthier Aspect of Medical Science.


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