Things to Check Before Hair Transplant

Things to Check Before Hair Transplant

Things to Check Before Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant- a brief:

A cosmetic procedure in which hair grafts are transplanted in the balder region of the scalp. Hair extracted from the donor area is used for grafting. It is one of the invasive, cosmetic procedures, which is treated, as a simple skin procedure. But certain important things to Check Before Hair Transplant. precautionary measures should be taken before the medical procedure is done for hair transplant.

Types of Hair Transplant Techniques

  • FUE hair transplant
  • FUT hair transplant
  • Robotic FUE hair transplant.

A proficient cosmetic surgeon should be the one, who carry out this procedure in a well-equipped medical facility and with suitable provisions of local anaesthesia.

To prevent infections, doctors suggest some safety precautions be followed by the patients, as well as an efficient surgeon who is also considerate about some safety precautions for its clinic or hospital.

Precautions Maintained by a Hospital or Medical Clinic

  • The medical room Should be clean and well sanitized to avoid contamination.
  • Each tool should be enveloped by safety covers.
  • All surgical instruments should have been sterilized by proper machinery.
  • Cosmetic surgeons as well as the crew members should wear safety gear like a safety cap, face mask, body gown, shoe covers, and gloves.
  • There should be disposable clothes available in the office which would be worn by the patient.
  • There must be proper arrangements for an experienced anaesthetist to start the surgery.

Safety measures avoid germinal infection to enter the room and protect the patient throughout the surgery.

Note: If an individual is unable to find these precautions, he could feel free to ask his surgeon to take the utmost attention and care to provide them.

The best cosmetic surgeon in Delhi asks the candidate to follow strictly, few of the instructions before going for hair transplant surgery.

  • Avoid intake of anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin a week before because these drugs increase the risk of postoperative bleeding.
  • Stop the intake of antidepressants like Plavix call Moudicoin, since any of the medication is not safe from the surgery point of view.
  • Inhibit the use of alcohol 72 hours before the surgery.
  • Consumption of nicotine through smoking chewing tobacco nicotine gums cigars should be avoided before 2 weeks of the surgery.
  • The most important precaution must be followed by a candidate that he must have a realistic approach towards the surgery to make it successful.

It is very much important to keep in mind that every medical procedure should be done and taken with care.

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