What Is A Sliding Genioplasty? What are its advantages?

What Is A Sliding Genioplasty? What are its advantages?

A sliding genioplasty is a less-invasive surgical procedure specially designed to correct a retrusive or misaligned chin and achieve a more aesthetically pleasing facial appearance. Most surgeons will recommend chin implants before a sliding genioplasty, however, most of the doctors highly disagree that implants are an easier solution and mostly recommend the sliding genioplasty for reporting and fixing the chin position. You can get the best chin augmentation surgery in Delhi at a very affordable and reasonable price. 

A sliding genioplasty is done to get the appropriate face structure and a great amount of confidence and enthusiasm which can help you in achieving your desired aim and dreams.

A sliding genioplasty is a very effective and the most hassle-free solution for getting that righteous facial structure that does not interrupt day-to-day life schedule. And sliding genioplasty is the best option for those individuals who want to change their chin shape, which got disfigured and they want to correct their chin position that may get damaged due to the injury, accidents or anything that is happening. This procedure involves repositioning the chin so that a more harmonious facial profile can be achieved. It can be undertaken for individuals with a deficient chin or individuals with a prominent chin.


Who are the best candidates for sliding genioplasty?


The best candidate is the person who is suffering from a disfigured chin mostly. People who are unable to eat and talk due to their chin getting damaged or getting deposition. And also the patients who have a chin that is out of proportion with the rest of their facial features may make an excellent candidate for a sliding genioplasty. Whereas Patients undergoing rhinoplasty may be recommended to consider a chin Augmentation to give the area an appropriate relation to the nose but instead, sliding genioplasty can also assist patients dealing with a birth defect or damage to the chin through trauma or injury or if it is since birth.

And also the people who are healthy and are medically fit are good candidates for this process. And non-alcoholic and Non-smokers with overall good health will make the ideal candidates for a sliding Genioplasty. You can get the best Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi.

The most important thing to take care of is that patients must have realistic and practical expectations and also you must have exquisite goals. The consequence of the individual’s surgery depends on each individual’s anatomy and body’s medical condition whereas in some the bodies may have some limits on what the surgery can and cannot achieve.


Advantages of Sliding genioplasty


Sliding genioplasty also has many health benefits and these types of surgery are used to provide a person a comfortable and suitable face structure so that a person can eat, breath, talk and continue their day-to-day work conveniently.

Some of the advantages of sliding genioplasty are:-

  • Sliding genioplasty offers the most benefit such as using the patient’s bone and as the bone is from the individual’s own body then there will be fewer successive drawbacks compared with any other implant.
  • People with severe diseases like retrogenia, or people whose chin is too far back about the rest of their face and is disfigured.
  • It can also help in correcting chins that are pushed too far forward and are too long than their usual face structure.
  • Genioplasty procedures can alter the aesthetic appearance of a receding, protruding, or misaligned chin.
  • Helps in fixing the location and size of the chin as it plays an integral role in balancing other facial features, such as the nose, forehead, and cheeks, which contributes to overall facial harmony,
  • Genioplasty can also offer considerable benefits for people who want to change the shape of their chin.

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