What is hymenoplasty? What is the procedure for this surgery?

What is hymenoplasty? What is the procedure for this surgery?

Hymenoplasty is the surgical procedure in which the person gets their torn hymen reestablished or reattached to intact again as it is the indication of virginity for most people. It  Is executed by the surgeon by taking and joining the left in the torn hymen and reconstructing it.

As this hymenoplasty surgery includes the construction of the hymen then you can get the best hymenoplasty surgery in Delhi. It is done for the reconstruction of the hymen which is a pink color membrane and is present to block the vaginal entrance. Hymenoplasty is also known with other names like hymen reconstruction, hymen repair, hymenorrhaphy, hymen surgery.

Eligible candidates for this surgery

The eligibility criteria are that a person should be physically and medically fit.

And the person who has lost their virginity and regardless of individual being married person or an unmarried young lady who had enjoyed pre-marriage sex or who has turned their hymen due to strenuous sports in physical activities like sports you can have that surgery.

In general, a woman must be healthy and at least 18 years old to undergo hymen reconstruction surgery. Minors could have a parent or legal guardian give written consent for the procedure and with any logical reason. Women who are suffering from or having genital cancers or venereal diseases are typically not eligible for this surgery. And this surgery is best for those people who want it for their self-satisfaction and not to please every person. An individual with any kind of disease is not at all eligible.

Various procedures to perform Hymenoplasty surgery

The procedure starts with the doctor’s consultation before surgery or a day before surgery. Schedule all a consultation and ask for all the necessary auditions and get all your doubt cleared with the doctor’s answers and experience. Your professional surgeon will give you an insight into the surgery along with instructions to prepare for hymenoplasty and you will even get the aftercare treatment to take care of your body as it will be fragile after the surgery for a few days.

There are many types of procedures for hymenoplasty and all of the techniques are mentioned below:-

The basic technique 

If there are some leftovers of the hymen, they can be stitched back together. A local or sometimes general anaesthesia will be given to prevent pain and discomfort. The surgeon will then sew the torn parts together and the stitches get dissolvable. The entire hymenoplasty surgery takes around 30 to 40 minutes and is an outpatient surgery.

The plant technique 

This technique is followed when the leftover pieces cannot be stitched back together. The surgeon will insert a biomaterial into the vagina and this tear-through material will function as the hymen. This hymenoplasty surgery procedure takes around two hours and you will be under local anaesthesia.

Hymen reconstruction  

In this hymenoplasty surgery procedure, the surgeon creates a new hymen using tissues from the lip of the vagina. And after this, you need to refrain from sexual intercourse for a minimum of three months.


Hence, with the advancement of technology medical treatment is getting more advanced and now these treatments have a long-lasting effect and the results are witnessed for a long period. hymenoplasty surgery. And with the proper aftercare and prescribed medications, you can easily maintain the restored hymen till the next sexual activity. The cost of hymenoplasty overall depends on the healthcare facility provided by doctors. At public hospitals, the treatment will cost you around INR 14,000 to INR 15,000 whereas, at a private hospital like Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi will cost you approximately INR 50,000 to INR 60,000.

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