What to Expect After Gynecomastia Surgery?

What to Expect After Gynecomastia Surgery?

What to Expect After Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia Surgery is The Confidence Providing Surgery

Gynecomastia or the over the development of the male breasts is a condition that affects more men than people realize. Gynecomastia is a common problem during adolescence due to the effects of hormones. At this stage of life, treatment is generally not necessary, as the breast fullness will typically spontaneously resolve after a year or two. Later in life, gynecomastia tends to be permanent and can lead to severe self-esteem and confidence issues. In these cases, surgery is usually the only option for solving the problem.

In some cases, pseudo gynecomastia refers to the enlarging of male breasts caused by excess fat alone, this problem may be improved by lifestyle changes or liposuction alone.

Male breast reduction is an effective surgery for reducing the volume of the breast tissue in men and recontouring a chest for a more masculine appearance. Fat breast gland tissue and excess skin are removed, recontoured, and tightened for a smooth appearance to the chest.

Procedure of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia surgery is performed under general anaesthesia on an outpatient basis. The procedure usually takes about an hour or two to complete, depending on the number of tissues to be removed. For many men, liposuction of the chest is all that is needed to produce good results, and this is performed through small incisions.

If breast tissue needs to be excised, a small, semicircular incision will be required in the areola so that breast tissue can be removed by leaving the smallest scar possible. If excess skin needs to be removed and tightened, this as well will be performed through additional sessions before they are closed.

Recovery of Gynecomastia

Initial male breast reduction recovery takes about 1 to 2 weeks on average, during this time, patients will want to take it easy and must avoid strenuous exercise to facilitate healing and prevent complications. During the first few weeks, a compression vest will be worn to help the skin retract and prevent fluid accumulation from occurring. Substantial swelling and some bruising are to be expected during this time and it is Controlled with prescribed medication. As returning to work and light exercise, though Each surgeon will instruct according to the patient’s unique case. bruising and swelling will resolve gradually until final results can be seen over the months following the surgery. The result should be apparent by six months post-operatively.

To Make The Surgery Success, Steps Must be Taken as Follows:

Tissue Massage

During recovery, when scars and tissue are soft and malleable massaging the treated area with the hands or auto roller device can be highly effective to achieve the optimal surgery result. Starting three weeks after the surgery massage can be done several times a day for 20 minutes or more and continued for 8 weeks or more if needed. this will help in the scar tissue and allowed the skin to layout nicely and evenly.

Good Posture

Arguably, the most important factor of gynecomastia surgery recovery is the mental aspect. Helpful mental recovery activity is to assume the correct posture-letting go of the “gyno hunch” that many men adopt to hide their gynecomastia before seeking treatment.

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