Child Cleft Lip Surgery
Cleft lip and cleft palate is a type of deformation of lips and it is believed to happen due to mutation of genes or is caused by a mixture of genes and many other factors such as things the mother comes in contact within her pregnancy period and whatever she swallows and inhales in the environment, and it also involves what the mother eats or drinks, or certain medications she uses during pregnancy. This needs to be treated immediately as the baby can suffer inconvenience due to this mutation. There are many problems the baby can suffer after being born with a cleft lip like:-
One of the most important things you must care about is that babies with cleft lips can't breast & feed comfortably, a cleft palate may make sucking difficult. Babies can also get some ear infections and it can further leads to hearing problems. Babies with cleft palates are particularly at risk of developing middle ear fluid and it can make babies lose their hearing ability and it can also restrict breathing ability too.
Why do Children Need Cleft Lip Surgery
The objective of getting cleft lip surgery is to renovate and regain the normal appearance back and make the upper lip function properly and effectively. Cleft lip surgery is usually recommended to babies around three to four months of their existence. In most cases, the tissue in the area around the cleft is rearranged and to renovate the tissue and close the opening. An important part of the surgery involves removing tissue from a part and getting it repositioned in the muscles of the lip to recreate and repair the circular muscle around the mouth. And within a few days, these tissues will heal and you will get a normal lip.
The cleft lip can effortlessly get fixed up in a single procedure or two or more. It also depends on the factors such as the breadth and extent of the cleft tissue and the condition of the cleft lip. The surgeon may try to provide some supplementary assistance and aid for the nose. Reconstruction and renovation of the nose are usually accomplished at the time of cleft lip repair.
Why Dr PK Talwar For Child Cleft Lip surgery
If you are thinking of getting a Cleft lip surgery in Delhi for your child, then you can consult from the proficient Surgeon Dr PK Talwar. He is a professional in various fields of surgery and is involved in child cleft surgery and is highly proficient in the work. He further explains in his own words that " I can help in making the cleft lip normal after the surgery and it normally does not have any risks. A cleft lip can be treated easily and comfortably with single or dual procedures only. He further also explains that nothing is perfect neither medical science nor him, there can be some risk factors but those can be avoided if you take proper aftercare treatment for sure and if the skin tissue is taken from the individual body for putting them into that individual body only then the risk factor is least. Still, cleft lip surgery is only to renovate the skin to improve the tissue for the convenience of the baby and it is also convenient for future life.
Hence, if your child is suffering from a Cleft Lip then it is necessary to get it healed within three to four months of the surgery as the condition can make the baby's condition very critical, and the baby needs to have an aftercare treatment too so that surgery can heal all back to normal.