Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) Surgery in Delhi
Correction of the nose is known as Rhinoplasty in medical terminology. Rhinoplasty is performed to correct not only the functional part of the nose but also the aesthetic part of the nose. Rhinoplasty surgery in Delhi is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves reshaping the nose or even correcting a respiratory problem that may arise due to a blockage in the nasal passage.
It is necessary that the candidate for Rhinoplasty is a fully grown adult as the development of the nose should be completed before the Surgery is carried out. Many times Rhinoplasty Surgery is carried out along with other cosmetic procedures such as Face Lift or Filler or Fat injection etc. Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that is commonly carried out because it can reshape the most prominent feature of the face: the nose and allow it to approximate to the desired shape thereby changing the appearance of the face.
Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi can be performed successfully if the nose appears too large to fit the face or if a bump on the bridge of the nose is visible in profile or if the nose appears too wide when viewed from the front or if the tip of the nose is drooping and is too thick or the nostrils are flared. It is necessary for the candidate to explain his or her expectations to the surgeon and for the surgeon to do the work after the evaluation.
The evaluation before performing the operation will initially be the general health of the candidate and that the candidate must not have diabetes, etc. nor any blood-clotting disease. The type and quality of the skin, the nose in relation to other facial features are carefully examined before coming to a conclusion whether a successful Rhinoplasty can be carried out.
Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi is a major surgical procedure carried out under general anaesthesia and requires some time to recover and for results to be visible.